Our Lenses

Single Vision

Digital / Computer


Sunglass Replacement
Single Vision

Same Day Service
Single Vision Lenses
Available in Trivex and High Index with Anti-glare Coating.
Non-Rx Sunglass Lenses
Available in tinted or polarized lenses.
Availability is Determined
by Your Prescription
Computer / Digital
Providing an Optimal Visual Experience in Desktop Computing Environments
Shamir Computer™ provides a wide field of near viewing with clear vision up to 5 ft. – a far greater depth of field than that offered by conventional reading lenses. It is perfect as a second pair of progressives or an upgrade to reading glasses.
Our Advantage:
Provides Clear Vision Up to 5 ft.
Consumers are spending more time than ever in front of their screens. This can lead to eye strain, vision problems, and discomfort. Shamir Computer™ advanced lenses provide an optimal visual and ergonomic experience for prolonged working in front of screens.

Sunglass Lens Replacement
Sunglass lens replacements are available in a standard tint and polarized.
Bring in your favorite pair of scratched up non prescription sunglasses and have your lenses replaced